
Friday, 19 May 2023

Petty Annoyances

 So, since I'm in a grumpy mood right now, here's some more things that get on my wick.  Don't expect these to be in any kind of order or be particulary coherent.

1. Getting invested in a TV series only to find out that it got cancelled after one series.

  Looking at you "1899" Also "Truth Seekers" the "Thundercats" reboot and way more Sci-Fi series than I care to think about. Guess that cliff-hanger ending will remain unresolved forever. Awesome.  Meanwhile bollocks like "Love Island" refuses to fucking die. 

2. Youtube adverts. 

Because while I can cope with 20m seconds of ads at the start of the video...

No, scratch that.

While having to sit through 20 seconds of ads to watch a thrity second video about a cute Shiba Inu is irksome, I can at least appreciate that Youtube needs to make money and so does the make of the doggy vid.  
 Where it really gets into piss-boiling country is the frigging adverts every 5 minutes.  Even ITV doesn't do that. Not only does it disrupt the flow of the documentary/wrestling vid/snarky movie review I'm enjoying but most of the time it's for something I will never buy. 

  Trust me, I am never, ever getting a bamboo razor.  Or gym-wear. Or hair-colouring. 

Frankly I am amazed that the algorithm can run through my viewing history and still conclude that I might be interested in anything aimed at improving my appearance..

However, I did get an advert for industrial conveory belts once. That made my eyebrows go up a bit. 

Sticking with adverts for a moment...

3. That sodding wombat in the Comparethemarket adverts.  

Everybody hates you. Fuck off back to Australia and feed yourself to a Saltwater Crocodile. 

4. Youtube Recommendations. 

Stop recommending things I have already seen, you buncha numpties. There's like a zillion videos on Youtube that I've never seen. Try showing me  one of those instead. 

5. Whispering In Films

I noticed that a lot of "Serious" film and Tv does this.  Everybody talks in this sort-of semi-whisper.  Which makes sense if you're trying to avoid a hungry T.Rex but when it's just two people talking why aren't you actually talking like normal people do? 

Looking at you "1899"

 It doesn't make the dialogue any more "dramatic", it just sounds like you would rather be doing an ASMR instead. Speak up!

And lastly...

6. Action Scenes

Stop filming action scenes in super close-up. I want to be able to track what's going on and I can't do that if the fucking camera is two inches away from somebody's nostril. What I'm getting instead is motion-sickness.