
Monday, 23 January 2012

Advice Columns and Men's Issues

 I have a question.
 How come there are no male advice columnists in the newspapers?
 It's not like there's a shortage of men giving advice in other areas. Your PC running slowly? There's a guy who'll tell you how to fix it. Need to lose that beergut? Step forward a small army of squarejawed he-men who'll show you how.
 Need to know how to cope with a girlfriend that thumps you every time she gets drunk? Sorry, bro you're on your own.
 For some reason women have been granted the monopoly when it comes to dispensing life advice and sometimes that advice is not always geared to a man's problems.
  The most glaring example I can think of was in The Daily Star a few months back - and I wish I had the link - and it ran a bit like this:
 The bloke's girlfriend was demanding sex morning, noon and night. What with that and long hours at work  the poor sod was knackered. Which was making him stressed out. Which meant that sometimes he just couldn't perform and that meant that his girlfriend would start calling him useless and a loser. Which was making him even more stressed. And so on and so on.
And the advice he got?
I kid you not, he was pretty much told to man up, give her what she wanted and try to enjoy it. 
Well that was helpful, wasn't it?
Now there might be columnists out there that would tell a young woman to quit moaning and do her wifely duty but I can't see them writing for anybody outside of "Religious Nutcase Weekly"

So I can't help wondering: Is there a gap in the market for life advice from a male perspective?

And how long would it last before the inevitable barrage of complaints got it shut down?

I think I'll come back to this topic when I get some more ammo.
All thoughts gratefully received.

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