
Friday, 3 August 2012

Terrible Metal Album Covers (Chapter III)

Another selection of album covers that really could have been done better.
bad Terrible awful metal album cover

Surface - Race The Night (UK 1986)

One of the classier NWOBHM bands and worth a listen but dear gods that cover is a mess.
bad Terrible awful metal album cover

Karisma - Sweet Revenge (Brazil 1983)

Includes the delightfully-titled "We are here to F*** your ears"
bad Terrible awful metal album cover

Jag Panzer - Chains Of Command (1987)

At this point I'm not sure whether the unfortunate victim is going to be beheaded or anally violated. 
bad Terrible awful metal album cover

 Vault - No More Escape (Netherlands 1983)

A loving couple fail to notice a dinosaur creeping up on them. It could be a pet I suppose.
bad Terrible awful metal album cover

Liquid Mirror -Kicked Out Of Fantasy (USA 1987)

You're thinking "Tacky, but not that bad." aren't you. Now take a closer look at her face.  

That's it for now.

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