
Monday, 18 November 2013

Terrible Metal Album Covers - Chapter 21

  I apologise for the extended layoff but a combination of work and other things meant the blog got put on the back burner for a bit.  I know, let's look at some more godawful Heavy Metal/Hard Rock album covers, shall we?
 As always, a terrible album cover does not mean the band are also bad - just in dire need of a new graphics team.

Death Mask - Split The Atom (USA 1986)

The experimental Tonsil-Removal laser worked magnificently. 
Pity about the side effects.

Christian Mistress - Possession (USA 2012)

(Which stands for "What the actual f*** am I looking at here? Seriously what the f***?")
The band are a good example of what I was talking about at the top of the page.
Here's what they sound like.
 Good, old-school Metal with a 70s vibe. Worth further investigation.

Steel Warriors - On The Road to Hell Ep (USA 1985)

A knight with a giant -ass axe, riding a motorbike ON FIRE down a winding road surrounded by lava, possibly about to ambushed by
pink things that are...actually I have no bloody idea what they are besides "Female". The boobs are a bit of a giveaway.
One of those album covers where the band got very drunk, jotted down some ideas on a beermat and pushed it under the manager's door at 1am.

Hellbreath - Slave Of God (Germany 1988)

I don't like Modern Art very much. Just saying. 

I feel a bit guilty about this next choice.

Demon - The Plague (UK 1983) 

Possibly the most underrated band to come out of the UK in the 1980s and I can personally attest to 
their music being quality hard rock, with intelligent, socially conscious  lyrics.
This album is definitely worth a listen but there's no two ways about it, the cover is shite.  
Here's the title track.  

A band and an album that definitely deserved better.

And finally.

Kreyson - Zakon Dzungle (Czech. Rep. 1995)

So we have two strangely coloured men, neither having anything in the way of arms and one seems to be melting onto the other.
No wonder Blue Guy looks so fed up.  
A quick visit to Google Translate suggests that the English title would be "Law of the Jungle" 
Further research suggests that the Czech for WTAFAILAHSWTF? would be
"Co skutečná kurva dívám tady? Vážně, co to kurva je?"
(I'd rather like my new acronym to catch on, by the way. Feel free to pass it on. )

That's all folks.




  1. Sorry, but I quite like the Demon cover. Good band too, you're right about that.

    1. Each to his own, I guess. I've always thought it looked a bit...silly.
      Bloody good band though. I saw them live in Nottingham a few years back and I have vague memories of three large, 40-something men doing some drunken Zorba dancing while Demon was on.
      One of them being me...
