
Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Heavy Metal Cover Girls...With Hair Like Fire

 When the time comes for me to do one of these HMCG posts I normally pick the theme one of two ways.

Either I find a really striking cover and think "Hmm. Have I got any more like his?" or I pick a cover at random and then wing it from there.
 Today's selection is definitely from category A. Which makes sense because when it comes to a room full of beautiful women, certain things are guaranteed to make some stand out more than others.

Today we're looking at Cover Girls with a definite something about them that draws the eye.  Also the only women on the planet ever going to use the phrase "My eyes are down here."

The first band up are going to surprise nobody.

Epica - We Will Take You With Us (Netherlands 2004)

 The unfeasibly gorgeous Simone Simons summons you. 

Epica - The Divine Conspiracy (Netherlands 2007)

album art gorgeous redhead

Credit to: DeathDealer92

Another redhaired Dutch beauty next. 

Delain - April Rain (Netherlands 2009)

You wonder why the rest of the band even showed up for the photoshoot. 

Sons Of Seasons - Gods of Vermin (Germany 2009)

I often wonder how the cover artist can look at the band name, look at the album title ...then come up with something like this for the cover.
 I honestly can't see the connection. 

Then you look at this publicity pic from 2009.
That's Simone Simons making a guest appearance.
Since she's a lot more photogenic than the actual band, somebody used her instead. 
That's cheating, in my book.  

There is an alternative cover 

Suggests a very different band, doesn't it?

These guys are an interesting Power/Prog crew with a definite resemblance to Kamelot .
Not surprising since the two bands share keyboardist Oliver Palotai. Male vocalist, by the way.

Credit to: Aryss Black

The Rinn - Chains That Bind Me (Single)(Russia 2015)

Not bound very tightly, clearly.

Credit to: Unknown Power Metal YT.

They also do a really good version of Moonlight Shadow too.

PS. if anybody from The Rinn happens to be reading this:
1. I like what I've heard.
2. Can you confirm who your singer is these days?
You've got two different women listed as vocalist on different sites and it's doing my head in.

Sticking with Russian bands

The Arrow - Lady Nite Russian 2008)

OK, so that's a really cool pose and all.
Now watch where you;re going or this could end badly.

Music is a bit of an acquired taste. See what you think.

Credit to: eckado melodic power metal

To finish, a cover that's iconic for all sorts of reasons, mostly wrong.

Warrant - Cherry Pie (USA 1990)

They didn't use a redhead in the equally iconic video. I find this vaguely disappointing.

Credit to: WarrantVevo

That's all folks. 


  1. The Sons Of Seasons alternative cover looks like a Game of Thrones soundtrack album.

    1. You're does. Although the GOT cover would probably have more blood and boobs.

  2. Flaming red hair, yum! Okay, I confess it, I'm a bit of a hair fetishist.

  3. Hi Big D,

    I've seen Delain a couple of times. Great band.




    1. They never play anywhere enar me otherwise I'd check them out. I like what I've heard so far.

  4. Redheads are unbelievably sexy. Not sure exactly why, but there's no denying it!

  5. Oh, haha, that Cherry Pie video. Interesting factoid: redheads require more anesthesia due to mutations in the melanocortin-1 gene.

    1. Really? I genuinely did not know that. Poor things.

  6. Interesting placement of that cherry pie... although I suspect there ain't no cherry in that pie. LOL. But every bit as tasty nonetheless.

  7. Hi, Big D!

    I'm bassist from The Rinn band!
    Thank you so much for your kind words about us!

    And our singer is Veronica Barbutskaya (she chaged her surname from Mogilev-Volaskaya due to marriage).

    1. I'm glad you liked the post. I have this hope that as well showing people cool pics, I'm introducing them to cool bands too.

      I'm also glad you explained your singer situation - it had me puzzled.

      Keep doing what you're doing and keep putting redheads on your CDs!
