
Tuesday, 19 January 2016

The Metal Project: Welcome to 2016

Hello and welcome my metal-loving brethren. 
Time for another casually chosen selection of headbanging goodies.  Enjoy,.

Gehennah The Metal Police (Sweden 2014)

(Gritty, punk-laced thrash)

Honour to: Metal Blade Records

Flagelador - Unidos Pelo Metal (Brazil 2006)

(Enthusiastic Thrash)

Honour to: sniderthrash

A Monumental Black Statue - MMIII Black Metal Overdose (Italy 2015)

Honour to: FB Metal Groups

Eudoxis - Metal Fix (Canada 1986)

(80s speed Metal that's let down by the production - a shame because they aren't bad.)

Honour to: MalcatoVintage

Blood Slut - Metal Warrior (USA 2011)

(I'm fairly certain this is a two man bedroom project and I don't normally do those but with a name like Blood Slut, how could I resist?  I quite like the solo too)

 Honour to: thraxman

Metalforce- Metal Crusaders (Germany 2009)

(Power metal from the once and future "Majesty" I never did find out why they changed their name.)

Honour to: Vrazzolo:

Gatekrashor - Heavy Metal Rangers (Canada 2014)

(The band name should have umlauts in it but I don't know how to do those.)

Honour to: Gatekrashor

Hammerlord - Metallization (USA 2008)

(A track that starts with a cry of "Bang your head" is OK by me.)

Honour to: Hammerlordchannel

That's all folks. 

1 comment:

  1. I quite like the Gatekrashör track and you're right, the crappy production spoils a pretty good effort by Metal Warrior.
