
Sunday, 4 September 2016

Paperbacks, Swords And Chainmail Bikinis

Well this post is a lot later than I intended it to be. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. Sorry about that.

 This is for everybody that liked my last post but thought it needed less clothing and more impractical armour. So I promise you boob windows, armour on non-vital spots and warrior women who make Slave Leia look overdressed.  Let's have at it, shall we?

  In a minute she's going to realise that her sword is nowhere near long enough to reach him.
Wheareas he doesn't need to reach her, he just needs to hit the camel hard enough and our haughty princess is eating dirt. 

sexy female warrior
boris vallejo warior woman
    Boris Vallejo doesn't seem to do as many book covers as he used to. That's a shame. 
This series interests me. Not only is there a sexy heroine but she's got her own pet werewolf. 
That's another one for the "To read" list. 

Fun fact: Quorthon dedicated Bathory's Viking epic "One Rode To Asa Bay" to author 
C Dean Anderson (aka Asa Drake) because he liked these books.
A snippet I found at the author's homepage so if you want a proper explanation visit:

I just realised that there is no way in Hel (sorry) that I'm getting all these into one post. 

tiana of reme
  Is anybody else distracted by the giant nipples on her brass bra? 

woman with a sword
I'd love to know the story behind some of these covers.
Like this one. Why does she seem so startled to find a bloke standing behind her?
What happened to the oars?
What's the deal with the big lizard?
Does anybody know where I can get these books  for under a fiver?

warrior woman leather armour
 Armour that just shouts "Stab me here!"
Then again, she seems to be winning so maybe the old Boobie-Distraction ploy is a good 'un.

sexy barbarian girl
 Useful tip; Never ever wave your genitals at somebody holding sharp blades. 

ridiculous armour
 I don't think I've ever seen a full body pendant before. 
Either that or she tried making her own armour out of leftover bits of Mithril. 

fierce warrior woman
 Just out of sight: A dozen barbarians taking a sudden interest in their shoes because they saw what happened to the last guy that wolfwhistled.

Brass brassiere space girl
 Just for a change, a heroine that does wear the gear depicted on the cover.  
This is a collection of fantasy/Sf spoofs where Ms. Birnbaum visits certain other fictional worlds.
Worth reading.

cavegirl with sword
Something makes me think the artist had just watched One Million BC .

That's all for now but I have a load of Jalav, Red Sonja and Raven covers left to use so stay tuned.  


  1. hi sorry if i bother just wanna know if you know if there is an anime, comic or some media that a female character made this or if they made this to her

    1. I'm pretty certain that's from an anime called Kill La Kill

    2. yeah i know is from kill la kill i question if you know is a moment like that happens in another source of media?

    3. Off the top of my head, not really. B-Ko does something sorta similar to A-Ko in the first project A-Ko movie though.

    4. oh yeah i saw it is cool also in the sequel A-ko is spinning around by the big blonde girl, did you remmenber more now?

  2. I immediately thought of Ms Welch also. The Brass nipples are nice, and I quite enjoy the face on the front part of her bikini bottom.

    1. Well spotted because I missed the face. Too distracted by the brass nips.
