
Monday, 17 April 2017

DVD Review: The Beaster Bunny (2014)

Genre: Low Budget Creature-Feature
"Hide your eggs! A 50 foot Man-eating Easter Bunny is on the loose...
...And the townsfolk don't stand a hop in hell.
As the bloodthirsty, floppy-eared killer leaves a trail of dismembered corpses, the town's only chance of survival rests with a wannabe actress and a crazy dog-catcher.
God help them!"

  The cover and the blurb make this film sound much better than it really is. Because - and there is no polite way of saying this, even if I wanted to - this film is terrible.  
 All you need to know about The Beaster Bunny can be summed up in one screenshot. 

 This is what BunnyZilla looks like. 

   Holy crap, this thing looks awful - and the shiteness doesn't end there. I am convinced that the animation team  just used an old, motheaten stuffy rabbit on some bits of string.because the bloody thing lurches along like Muffin The Mule. (Or the  Team America mannequins if you're not old.)

  The lack of budget also extends to the cast, half of whom, pull double duty. I'm fairly certain the same girl was eaten twice. 
 I think the producers were hoping that the audience would be distracted by the jarring outbreaks of gratuitous nudity and not notice small details like that. Or the fact that there's some terrible, terrible acting on display. Or that they slipped in some aerial scenery shots that bore no resemblance to the actual location.  FFS, one of them had a desert in it. 

  Or maybe they wanted us to notice. 

  Maybe they were making a deliberate attempt to make an Asylum-style schlocky, snarkbait rich Crap Creature Feature. It's so heard to tell these days. 

  Personally I just thought it was wank, full stop.
Not recommended, even when very drunk  

 And since this film has already been re-released once with a different title, expect The Beaster Bunny to show up again two/three Easters down the line with a new name and a new cover that lies to you. 

Just avoid anything with a big rabbit on the cover and you should be safe. 

Here's the trailer. Make up your own mind. 

That's all folks. 


  1. Check out "Night of the Lepus" if you get a chance it's and old, bad killer rabbit movie. Worth a laugh!

    1. I've heard of it. It's legendary in bad-film circles but I've never got round to seeing it.
