
Sunday, 19 August 2018

The Metal Project: Bad Boys Of Metal

Evening All. 
  For tonight's post I was feeling nostalgic so decided to dig into the vaults and pull out some songs from a decade that was crucial to the development of Heavy Metal in all it's forms.  The 1970s may have seen the birth of Metal and the post-grunge era saw Metal go off into all sorts of bizarre directions but it's the 1980s that really saw Metal move away from it's early Heavy Rock roots.  Punk and MTV both had a big impact on this kind of music it it's hard to see where we would be without both. 
 Never mind all that. Let's get some songs on and the old-school headbanging started, shall we? 

  DNA - Metal City (Demo. Brazil 1989)

And check out his invaluable blog here:

Hawaii - Bad Boys Of Metal (USA 1984)

(Featuring a pre-Cacophony, pre-Megadeth Marty Friedman)


Dementia- Metal Detectors (USA 1989)

 Honour to: Wesse Boyman

  Digressing for a minute, I am continually amazed that after doing this for several years I am still turning up all sorts of intresting stuff from way, way back in the 1980s.  It boggles the mind as to how many bands there were slogging away, touring the clubs and putting out material on self-released cassette and vinyl.  It's equally impressive how many people there are dedicated to preserving all this obscure treasure and putting it online.  

Airwolf - Death Metal Rain (Germany 1988) 

Honour to: Wesse Boyman

Assault - Queen of Metal (NLD 1984)

Honour to: MetalScavenger1978

I think That will do for tonight  but stay tuned for more obscure 1980s goodies.

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That's All Folks. 

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