
Tuesday, 23 June 2020

In 1980 This Is What The Future Of The RAF Looked Like

  Something old British Comics absolutely loved doing was putting pinups of Cool Stuff on the back page.  Sports comics would have racing cars or footballers.  Adventure/War comics would have tanks or military aircraft. Basically, the sort of thing a boy who hasn't disocvered girls yet would think "Awesome"

 Every now and again one of their hosue artists would get the chance to let his imagination run free and show off some fantasy vehicle from the far-off 21st century. It stil irks me that now we're here absolutely none of them ever made an appearance.

This particular aircraft is from the back page of Warlord from October 1980. It;s Titled "40 Years On" so would be zipping around Britain's skies in this current year 2020.

Warlord Comic Scan 1980

 Even with the fact that the Stealth capability is non-existent and it looks a right night mare to fly, I still find myself wishing that the RAF really did have something this Sc-Fi in their arsenal.  It's got a freaking LASER for heaven's sake. 

That's All Folks.

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