
Tuesday, 14 July 2020

A Surfeit Of Dip

I currently have what can only be described as a First Word Problem.

I like Pizza. A lot.  I like getting the £5 Pizza meal deal from Tesco. I really like the two for one pizza deal from my local pizza place.   This is not the problem.

The problem is, every time I get the £5 meal deal I have to get a stack of dips with it (otherwise the deal doesn't work). Every time I get the takeaway pizza I get a dip with each one. Garlic and herb dip every time.

I don't like garlic and herb dip. I don't know what to do with the ever increasing pile of garlic and herb dips in my fridge besides throwing them away and I was always taught that wasting food was wrong.

.   Cuddly bunny for scale. 

Seriously, what the bloody hell do I do with all this bloody Garlic And Herb dip? 

Monday, 6 July 2020

The Metal Project: Metal Pounding

  By my reckoning I've posted something like 1650 songs over the course of this project. Holy Crap, that's a lot.  It's also not even close to being the end as I've got several hundred left to do.  So let's see if I can get up to 1700 by the end of Summer, or the end of human civilisation, whichever comes first. 

Mordark - Metal Warriors (Spain 2012)

Honour to: mordark- wyld

Thorax - Metal/Powerraid (Belgium 1986)

(Two songs for the price of one.)

Honour to: Fallenangel333GR

Abitbollus - Blaque  Metal (France 2003)

Honour to: Underground Vibrations

Hercules - Metal Pounding (Greece 2016)

Honour to: Doom Sword

Simplefast - Metal Fury (Greece 2013)

Honour to: Simplefast TV

Check out the channels I linked above and show them some love.
I am only able to do this because they post the songs in the first place.

That's All Folks.