
Sunday, 22 May 2022

Film review : The Virgin Psychics (2015)

 Genre:  Sci-Fi /Comedy/Boobs

  Kamogawa Yoshiro is a fairly ordinary Japanese teenager with a  crush on one of his classmates, embarassing parents and recurring dreams about a mysterious girl who may be his destiny.  Who he may also have made a connection with when they were both in the womb.

   Anyway one night he's having a wank when a comet passes overhead and the next day he has the ability to hear other people's thoughts.
 Meanwhile other people also developed psychic powers and you know right away how that's going to go.

 Can Yoshiro and a team of other ESP-wielding misfits save the town from danger? Will Yoshiro ever meet the girl of his destiny?  And why are all the girls in town only wearing underwear?

I saw a trailer for this and it looked like exactly the sort of Japanese weirdness I might enjoy.
 Weird, yes. Enjoy?  Still not entirely sure. 

Whether you get on with  this film or not depends on how much Japanese-style perviness you can tolerate. Years of anime have left me with quite a high threshold and even then I found myself thinking "Dudes, dial it down a bit."  

 I think it was the bit where a middle-aged man hands a teenage boy a fleshlight which caused that particular reaction. Or it could have been the bit where one of Yoshiro's team-mates uses his newly discovered teleportation powers to wave his willy at the girls locker room.  
 The second problem is that at 115 minutes the film is both long but still trying to cram too much in.  There's way too many characters for a start. I get that this is based on a manga and the producers wanted to fit all the regulars in but you could easily have dropped a half-dozen - or kept them back for the sequel. 
  The weird part is, after an hour plus of wanking gags, knob jokes, boob jokes, gratuitous underwear and gratuitous groping you suddenly get a touching scene where Yoshiro has an actual emotional moment with one of the female leads.  That doesn't last long. 

  The Virgin Psychics is an ..interesting viewing experience. I think you have to be in the right mood and willing to roll with the silliness.  

Approach with caution.

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