
Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Tarkan vs The Vikings (Turkey 1971)

 The Terrific Turk Is Back - And This Time It's PERSONAL

Tarkan Vs The Vikings Film Review
A marauding band of brightly coloured Vikings raid a Hunnic fort and kidnap the daughter of Attila the Hun, planning to hand her over to a sexy, seductive and wicked Chinese princess. 

 It's never established why the Chinese want Attila's daughter .
Or why the Chinese hired Vikings in the first place. 

Just go with it, OK.  Historical accuracy, or indeed reality is not a big factor in this film. 

Tarkan, mightiest of Attila's warriors is left for dead by the Vikings and this turns out to be a big mistake.   You see, during the fight, the Vikings not only slaughtered women and babies but the bastards killed Tarkan's dog. 

Tarkan vows to go full-on John Wick on the entire Viking race.  And ain't nobody getting in his way. 

After watching the last "Tarkan" film I decided to check out this sequel and I can happily report that it is as much fun as the first one and, I felt, an improvement. 

  The story is a bit more focussed than before, with less blatant space-filling and Tarkan gets to display something more than "Turkish badass" 

 The costumes are still silly, and that's because they literally reused all the same props and costumes from the previous films. They also nicked the soundtrack from elsewhere (2001: A Space Odyssey" this time) 
"Tarkan vs..." may also have the least convincing depiction of Vikings since "The Norseman" but who cares.  Villainess Lotus (yes, really) is suitably slinky and evil. Tarkan has a brave new doggo who is adorable and awesome, and you get to see Tarkan fight a frigging giant octopus.  

In short, if you like your historical adventures a bit daft, "Tarkan vs The Vikings" could be the perfect way to spend a semi-drunk Sunday afternoon. 

That's All Folks. 

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