
Saturday, 14 October 2023

Reinforcements Have Arrived Pt 4

Quick Recap: In a fit of enthusiasm/madness *delete as you think best I bought some toy soldiers of Ebay.
It seemed like a good idea to photograph the various sets and post them here. 
It's taking a bit longer than I expected.
Now read on.

18. Very, very dark green. Or Black. It's hard to tell.  
Plastic army men

 Some generic troops here. Not trying to be any specific army - just "Army men" although it does look a lot like they are armed with some sort of futuristic blaster. 

 Now can anybody explain what the hell these guys are doing? 
Why are they striking a fencing pose with blaster pistols? 

19. Also dark green but not as dark as the last lot while still darker than some of the others. 

Quite nice plastic quality on these. 

20. More generic Green Americans. 

I get it. Green is an "Army" colour so I suppose everybody is going to use it. 

Never mind that. Why is this chap waving a windscreen scraper around?

 20. Sort of Olive Green GIs

Another batch where it's obviously a cheap remould of something else. 
 Still, the grenade guys look really enthusiastic.

21. Even more dark green Americans. 

 Except for that one guy in a cap at the back who looks British. Bet there's a story to be told there. 
Digressing a bit, a staple of the old British boys comics was a character who was the odd man out: Brit serving with the US Marine (Union Jack Jackson), American leading British troops (Major Eazy), Brit flying with Russians (Johnny Red) - and so on. This did mean that you could get some  total outsider trying to cope with a clash of cultures. This frequently led to people getting punched.
Presumably somebody worked out the payroll issues offscreen.  

22. Greys. (Not the probing kind)


Nice change from Green.  

23. Greens with squeegees. 

A unit that came with their own flag, which is helpful. 

They also came with more Squeegee Men.  

What on earth is that all about? 
And what the hell is in their other hand?  
The world's most terrifying straight razor, apparently. 

That's it for now. I'm off in search of a cuppa and a bacon sandwich and I'll see you next time.

That's All Folks. 

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