
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

It's not just Mums who make Christmas happen.

Over the Christmas period I couldn't help noticing a couple of adverts along the lines of  "Mums , you're wonderful and Christmas couldn't happen without you." and fair's fair, appreciation for hard work done is never amiss. But I couldn't help noticing the absence of something.
 Not a single advert mentioned Dads at all. They show up at the end to eat the Xmas dinner in a couple but that's it. The obvious implication being, they're sat around scratching their balls while Supermum busts a gut. 
 And I thought that more than a little unfair so... 

 To all the Dads that slogged away throughout the year so their families could afford Xmas...
 To all the Dad's that nearly did themselves a mischief fetching decorations down from the loft..
 To all the Dads that spent hours out in the cold putting up the lights on the house and garden..
 To all the Dads who had to elbow their way through crowds to find the toys their kids wanted...
 To all the Dads that got up at 3am to put the pressies under the tree...
 To all the Dads that cooked Xmas dinner ...(More of those about than people think)
 To all the Dads who spent Xmas day putting together toys...
 To all the Dads who took their kids outside to try out their new bikes...
 To all the Dads who've been driving their families from one relative to another...
 To all the Dads that had to sit through the "Eastenders" Xmas special...
 To all the Dads who put up with family rows and sniping in-laws without chinning somebody...
 To all the Dads who did all the above and then have to sit through yet another advert that paints them as bumbling idiots who cannot be trusted to choose their own socks...


You are awesome.


  1. Being a Dad myself, I greatly appreciate your warm tribute.

  2. Yeah, that's right. A gold medal to all the fathers out there who has taken an interest in family life, and to the fathers who genuinely can't be with their children at a time like this, through no fault of their own, thumbs up to you :) Great Post.

  3. I completely agree, Big D. The media, especially commercials, tend to portray fathers as helpless without women directing their every move. It's hogwash. Nice post! :-)

  4. I really enjoyed reading your post. Hopefully there will come a time when the role of the father is held in equal regard to moms when it comes to raising children.

  5. Totally agree and point well taken Big D! Dads are important at Christmas too. Lost my Dad many years ago but he was always a big part of Christmas. Lost my Mom too but that was more recent. Liked your poem, well done! Thank you for remembering all the awesome Dads.

  6. I'm proud to be dad that cooked Xmas dinner, but I have to agree that wasn't appreciated very much.

  7. I live with a woman who is PROUD that she hasn't cooked a Christmas dinner in her entire fifty years. So I'll take all the praise I can get. Love the blog.
