
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Metal Project: Burning For Metal

The Metal Project is my ongoing quest to track down every metal song on Youtube that has "Metal" in the title. If you have a look at the Songlist, you will see that there is a helluva lot of them. 

 Today's post is another selection chosen by closing my eyes and flipping though the "To Do" list. Let's see what we end up with and I hope you find something to like.

Calvaria - Metallia (Mexico 2001)

(After an intro that makes you expect something symphonic, the rest of the band lose patience, 
elbow the keyboardist out of the way and launch into enthusiastic full-tilt Power Metal)
Honour to: mcleodian

Evenstorm - M.E.T.A.L. (Germany 1991)

(Chuggy, early- 80s throwback stuff with a naive charm. )
 Honour to: mariasta81

Aggression - Metal Slaughter (Canada 1986 - Demo)

(Be warned, sound quality is not brilliant but if you can cope with the hissiness and want to hear 
 a gang of thrashers just letting rip with no frills, you might like this.) 
Honour to: fedenwobhm

Dragonsfire - Burning For Metal (Germany 2008)

(Enthusiasic, galloping trad/power metal. I have no idea why their video features lots of people posing with a giant chip-fork.)
Honour to: Thassilo800

Baphomet's Blood - Metal Damnation (Italy 2009)

(We've met these Italian Speed Metal yobbos before. 
A quick shufti at Metal Archives lists their lyrical themes as "Blood, vomit, Satan, antichristian war, alcohol" You have been warned.)
 Honour to: assassinsbullet

Al Sirat -MetalStorm (Poland 1999)

(Considering how often I break my "No instrumentals" rule you wonder why I bother with it at all.
Anyway, this is a nice little piece with some classical touches and a bit of crunch in the right places)
Honour to: CosmicManful

This next one is a bit of a mystery.

Myth - Metal Maniac (USA ?)

(The Youtube only mentions that they were from Connecticut and I can't find them on Metal Archives. 
If anybody has more info then please leave a comment.
They aren't bad at all so I'd like to know more about them )
 Honour to: SlauterXstroyes

Ases - Black Metal Knights (France 2004)

(Black Metal, yes, but you know... I could definitely listen to more of  these guys)

Honour to: SonOfYog

That'll do to be getting on with.
See you next time for more of the same.


  1. I'll ask my sons and their friends to see if they know anything about Myth. You don't hear about metal bands from Connecticut too often!

  2. Quite a collection for the Metal Project, Big D. Myth didn’t last very long. They were from New Haven, Connecticut (there apparently was another Myth metal band too, and that one was from Seattle). Some links for you (if the links don’t work, let me know):
