
Thursday, 16 April 2015

Ring Wrestling May 1968 (Pt 3)

The third and final batch of scans. Hope you like them. 

The first two are of Waldo Von Erich (Who wasn't really related to Fritz, you know)
 I've always been impressed by how brave - or mental - you need to be to lie there while an enormous man jumps on you from several feet up. And there's no way Waldo pulled off this move without hurting himself either.
Waldo is about to get a face full of fist, courtesy of Luis Hernandez.

Next, two Polish wrestling heroes from back in the d ay
 Wladek Zbyszko (brother of semi-legendary World champ Stanislaus) in training 1926. 
30s star Frank Bronowicz looking quite brawny.
I can't help noticing that the belt has obviously been cut'n'pasted in afterwards. 

Over the Atlantic for some Brits. 
Wrestling in Britain was probably at something of a peak in the late 60's so it's nice to see an American magazine giving us some love. 

IIRC Vic Faulkner was a bit of a grappling pinup and he definitely has a nice smile.

What? I'm just saying. 

These guys aren't so photogenic.

I'm fairly confident that if I ran into any of these guys even now, they could kick the shit out of me. 

More tag team action. Hillbilly style.
 Jake from Hillfolk team The Kentuckians moves in on his opponent, who is already bricking himself.
The Kentuckians chat to a small man backstage.  

And finally...

 Arman Hussian in action. Born in The Sudan but "currently wrestling in London", among other places.

If you enjoyed these posts, let me know.
I have other wrestling mags kicking about that I can share with you lovely people.  

That's all folks.


  1. have to admit BigD, i was quite impressed with your Kentuckians

    1. Big lads aren't they? Impressive hair too.
