
Sunday, 7 June 2015

Big D at the Southdown100 Bus Rally

I wanted fried chicken. I got buses instead. 

 It all started when I decided to treat myself to some Kens Fried Chicken. (For those of you who don't know, Kens Fried Chicken is the Pompey version of a well-known Southern states Chicken franchise.   Personally I think it's much superior) which would have been great if KensFC had actually been open

 But before I turned around and trudged home chickenless,  a small voice piped up from inside the back of my head. " you think there's anything  going on over on Southsea Common. Pop to the end of Osborne Road and have a look."
 And I did. As soon as I saw several vintage buses lined up on the common I promptly nipped home to get my camera. 

  As further investigation revealed, 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the Southdown Bus Company and to celebrate, devotees had organised a bus rally with vehicles from Southdown's history as well as other classic vehicles. 

  The first big surprise was the scale of the event. I came to the end of the first row of buses and was gobsmacked to see vehicle after vehicle stretching out across the common.  100 buses? At least. 
 Lots of people around too, strolling about the vehicles, happily reminiscing and taking photos. One Japanese chap had pulled out his tape measure and was measuring the size of the windows. 
 Each to his own...
 The best part was that every single vehicle was in roadworthy condition and at regular intervals, buses would peel out of formation and trundle to the end of the display  where a long line of people was waiting to have a ride. 
 On the other side of the bus park was a bus-themed market, selling model buses, a dizzying array of bus-themed books for the hardcore crowd and other odds and ends.

 It sounds like I might be winding up to take the piss but personally I thought the whole thing was great. I got to see some cool vintage vehicles, a whole bunch of people got to enjoy their Sunday outing and people who like buses got a chance to share their passion with the rest of the world. I approve of that sort of thing. 

 I took an awful lot of photos so I shall only post the ones I really like. 

I did try and avoid having people in the pictures but couldn't always manage it. So if you spot yourself in a photo and you aren't happy, let me know and the snap comes down immediately. 

More info on the rally here:

 Classic double-deckers lined up on a sunny afternoon. How British is this picture? 

 I honestly don't know what this is. Some sort of bus mobile workshop? 

I think this was my favourite bus. 
Not only does it have great lines...

...But it has a freaking fin on the back. 
Now that's cool. 

 Second favourite was this colourful entry from Malta. 
 I overheard somebody saying that the paint scheme isn't just to make the bus look pretty. 
When this one was running, a lot of Maltese in the countryside were illiterate. 
So the companies made the buses colour-coded and the problem was solved.

There's something about older vehicles - doesn't matter what sort - that gives them a certain character.  
Or is that just me?

That's all folks. 

PS. I never did get my chicken. Maybe I'll have some for my tea. 


  1. Very cool thing to stumble upon, even without fried chicken. I wonder if that green one in the middle might have been used to transport glass panels?

    1. I wish it had occurred to me to find somebody and ask. Now I'll never know.

  2. wow. well done. heavy metal covers with buses on them.

    1. There's a distinct alck of metal covers featuring buses. I don't think I've found any, anyway.
