
Thursday, 4 June 2015

Heavy Metal Cover Girls - Broken Hearts

As I've been doing this series there are two things I have noticed.

1. The post I plan to do is not always the post I end up making.
Case in point; I had this vague plan to use the theme "Air" today, but while I was trawling through my folder I kept finding all sorts of interesting stuff that looked cool but couldn't be fitted into "Air" even with a crowbar and a welding torch.

2. If a theme is on one album cover it will be on others. No exceptions. 
 It makes sense when you think about it. If two artists want to illustrate something then there is a good chance that they are going to want to use the same visual template. That's why there's so many album covers with gun-toting girls. It's a fast, easy, effective way to say "This lady is dangerous" Everybody understands the imagery so it gets used time and time again.
 What this also means is that ideas crop up more than you expect. I just got two posts out of the theme "Water" I guarantee I will have enough for a third by the end of the year.

All of which rambling leads me to today's them. Hearts.

I want you to take a look at these and tell me what you think the artist is trying to say. I'm genuinely curious to see if you come up with the same things I did.

PS. This one is a bit darker than normal so no snarky captions. Normal fanservice will be resumed in a day or so.

Magion - A Different Shade Of Darkness (Netherlands 2013)

album cover bloody heart

Everlasting Dawn - Of Frozen Hearts and Bloody Whores (Austria 2012)

Album cover woman holding heart

Rage Of Romance - S/T(Greece 2014)

Interesting that so far all of these have been female fronted and Gothic/Symphonic.

And now for something completely different.

Lesbian Bed Death - Soul Sucker (UK 2012)

Doesn't quite fit in with the others but when else am I ever going to get a chance to use it? 

Icewind - Again Come The Storm (Canada 2010)

album cover woman ice blood

Cold Sight - A/Hini (Russia 2013)

Album cover russain redhead
Probably my favourite bit of artwork in this batch.

All art is the property of the respective artists and only published here because I think it's interesting.
Hopefully I've introduced you to some cool new music too.

That's all folks. 


  1. LOL at Lesbian Bed Death. They are not so bad, they deserve a better name.

    The vampires in the video are much scarier than the Sparkly ones from twilight.

  2. Count Duckula is scarier than the vampires in Twilight.

  3. Having just written about the life of Christopher Lee I went straight to Lesbian Bed Death (man, what a name!). They are actually a bloody good band and the best of the bunch. Didn't mind Cold Sight......mind you it was very Russian but good value.
