Wednesday, 24 April 2019

The Metal Project: Wardogs Of Metal

The Metal Project

Evening all.

Let's keep this simple. If you want to check out some metal music that celebrates Metal itself then keep reading. If you want to read about Macrame then how did you even get here?  

Songs chosen entirely at random. Enjoy. 

Demencia-Metal Religion (Chile 2013)

 Honour to: MetalIsVital

Savage Aggression - Thrash Metal Attack (Colombia 2010)

Honour to: Necro Thrash

Torment-Heavy Metal Whorehouse (Germany 2009)

Honour to: TheArkinus

 El Motor-Caballo De Metal (Argentina 2010)

Honour to: BlackieDiegoRock

 Blizzard - Wardogs of Metal (Germany 2009)

 Honour to: Boris Doomicvs

If you like what you heard today then please visit and support the channels linked above.

That's All Folks. 

Monday, 22 April 2019

The Metal Project: Metal Monday

metal songs about metal, songs with metal in the title, meta metal

Evening all.  Blimey, I haven't done one of these for a while but since Easter is a time for rebirth why not resurrect this project?

  Before I start how about a quick recap on what this is all about.  Not long after I started this blog I began a quest to see how many heavy metal songs I could find on Youtube that had Metal in the title.
  Well the last time I checked I'd found 1600 or so (see tab at the top for the songlist) and I'm still nowhere near caught up.

 So without further ado, here's a small selection chosen at random. Enjoy.

 Hyerathica- Warriors Of Heavy Metal (Brazil 2019) 

Honour to: Hyerathica

Kabalah - Black Metal (Russia 2011)

 Honour to: Winter Solace

Amadis - The Heavy Metal World (USA  2019)

Honour to: Power Metal Hoosier

(One of my favourite channels for getting new music from. Check him out.)

Scythelord - Speed Metal War (USA/Sweden 2016)

Honour to: Scythelord Official

This next one is using a very, very broad definition of "metal"
Then again, when I first started listening to Heavy Metal, it, included bands like AC/DC, Rush and Bon Jovi. 

Mother Feather- Red Hot Metal (USA  2018)

 Honour to: Metal Blade Records

No doubt about this track though. 

Grave Digger - The Power Of Metal  (Germany 2018)

Honour to Napalm Records

If you like what you've heard I'd love to know what you think in the comments section.
And please remember to check out the channels I linked above. 
This is their work, I'm just sharing it so give them some love. 

That's all folks.  

Saturday, 6 April 2019

DVD Review: Jurassic Galaxy.,(2018)

In the near future, a ship of space explorers crash land on an unknown planet. They're soon met with some of their worst fears as they discover the planet is inhabited by monstrous dinosaurs.

Let's talk about the film title for a minute.

These days Jurassic is movie shorthand for "It's got dinosaurs in it" and never mind whether said dinosaurs  are actually from the frigging Jurassic.

The second point is that this film was originally called Jurassic Planet  which, frankly, makes a whole lot more sense but unfortunately was too close to a certain big money franchise who could afford lots and lots of lawyers.
 Since Planet of the Dinosaurs was already taken ( SEE HERE for more details) somebody decided the next logical step was to go the cosmic scale.

Moving on to the film: Jurassic Galaxy is a perfectly serviceable Sci-Fi survival flick that's let down by the indifferent dinosaurs. On a scale of 1 to 10 ,with Jurassic World being a 10 and Aztec Rex being  1, Jurassic Galaxy falls somewhere around a 6.  
 Other than that, Jurassic Galaxy has some decent acting, a story that has few surprises but gets the job done and some attempt at giving the characters enough personality to make us care.

  Basically we have the sort of film that you'll only ever watch once but might enjoy if you're in a good mood.

If you fancy a low-budget dinosaur flick and don't want a total schlockfest then this might float your leathery-skinned boat.

Here's the trailer. Make up your own mind. 

That's All folks. 

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