Friday, 17 January 2025

Woman Wrestling Comics: Sensacional De Luchas 46

  Hello and welcome back to the blog. Sorry I haven't been updating recently but life happens and it gets in the way of blogging.

 If you are here for the first time then looking at my statistics, you are probably here because you searched for "Women Wrestling" or "Women Wrestling Comics" so I think you're going to like  today's post. 

 In the past I've covered comics from the USA, Japan and the UK (check HERE) but this is the first time I've done a comic from Mexico.  

 It makes sense that Lucha Libre and comics have a long history together. People more knowledgeable than me have pointed out that Luchadores are treated as larger than life character, practically cartoon superheroes.  And in fact a pocket-sized digest called "Sensacional De Luchas" ran from 1986 to 1954 starring real wrestlers in comic thrills & adventure. (ComicVine page can be found here: sensacional-de-luchas

 Given that during this period women's wrestling seems to have been a bigger deal in Mexico than the USA, it makes sense that some issues feature lady wrestlers. (Although I don't know if any real female stars got their own comic) 

 So, I reckon it's time to start posting pictures.  

Sensacional De Luchas 46
 Sadly, we never actually get to see a Nun performing dropkicks. 

My Spanish is non-existent to the point there is at least one retired Spanish Teacher who has nightmares about
 trying to  get me to understand regular verbs So that means I had work out what the story is by panels alone. 

As near as I can work out, it goes like this: 

Sensacional de Luchas 46
 Our beautiful heroine is a lady wrestler with a career in the slumps.
She keeps getting knocked about by bigger, scarier women.

Lucah Libre comic

I haven't been able to work out what Blondie is called so let's just call her "Blondie"
Luchadoras comic
I refuse to believe that Blondie is really called Bertha.
She's just not Bertha material. 

Anyway poor Blondie is getting a lot of flak from her boyfriend, management and the 
other girls but then has an encounter with a nun that gives her a new view on life.
It also helps her with the whole "Not getting battered" thing too.
Women wrestling headscissors

Brunette seems a bit miffed here. Maybe she though she was in for an early night.

Montage time!
Lucha comic
Art looks like something from the 1950s, doesn't it? 

Blondie also starts spending quality time with the local nuns. 
Since nobody is wrestling in those pages I didn't scan them.   

Not sure what happens next but our heroine's confidence takes a bit of a knock again. 
Having an opponent try to rip your tongue out will do that to you.


So after a bit of a pep-talk from her boyfriend Blondie pulls that wrestling classic and secretly returns as a masked mystery woman.
 You'd think the glorious mane of blonde hair would give the game away but 1. this is Mexico and Lucha Libre has it's own rules and 2. this is the 80s when "smart" fans weren't on a dozen message boards telling everybody what Wrestler A had for breakfast. 

Anyway, Blondie has decided to stop being so nice.

Including the Mike Tyson special.

Having won, she immediately reveals "It's me, Mexico. It was me all along"
which may have rendered the whole thing pointless.

And we get a happy ending where the queen of the local nuns congratulates  Blondie on almost maiming another woman.

Ok then.

The final page is a pinup of some dashing chaps.
Solar 1, Super Astro and Ultraman

On the whole this was an interesting read and if I ever get my paws on more issues I may can them. 

That's all folks!

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