Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A Fistful Of Comics: March 2014

  I wouldn't describe myself as a dedicated comics fan but every now and again a strange urge sends me to the nearest Forbidden Planet.
  Here's what I came back with  and some thoughts on each.

We'll start with one I've been following for a while. This is the final issue of the mini-series.

Clown Fatale 4

sexy killer clowns
 Four pissed-off female clowns were recruited by a local villain to do a little job for him. It went a bit pear-shaped. The final showdown sees our facepainted anti-heroine Chloe battling psychotic Russians and gun-toting rednecks as all hell breaks loose.

  This has been one of the most fun series I've stumbled across lately and the finale delivers more than sufficient blood, fire and death for my requirements. The art-style is quirky and a bit OTT but that suits this book.  With a bit of luck there's more adventures to come for Chloe and co.

clown grabs balls
Chloe gets into it with a fat bloke. 

Now one I've been reading for a long time.

Red Sonja #7

sonja and crocodiles
Is it just me or is that croc down the bottom looking downright smug?

  Sonja is given a mission by a dying king. He wants to throw the ultimate party so he has a list of guests he wants Sonja to find. Succeed and he'll free all the slaves working on his tomb. Fail and...well, you can guess.  In this issue, Sonja finds herself  looking for a renowned master-chef, last seen hanging out with a swamp-dwelling tribe of curiously-sophisticated cannibals.  

 Gail Simone seems to have ditched the chainmail bikini. I'm not entirely happy about this. In exchange Sonja has acquired a certain earthiness, reminiscent of a certain brawling Cimmerian. There's also more sardonic humour and Simone has so far managed to take the usual "Sonja arrives in town and kills people" storyline and make them interesting. Dare I use the word "Depth", even?

 Sonja gets a critique of her cooking abilities. 
Then discovers she'll be guest of honour Main course at the next feast

And finally, a series that's new to me.

 The Royals - Masters Of War 1 & 2

superhero and hawker hurricanes
 There was no way I was going to pass up a cover like that. Also proof that I will buy comics that don't have women on the cover. 
ww2 superhero and bomber
Geek test. Tell me what kind of aircraft that is. 

  There are legends that those of Royal blood once had "God-given" abilities, allowing them to do incredible, heroic feats during battle. Those days are past. Now the British Royal family can only stand and watch as the Luftwaffe hammer London into rubble.
 Except the legends were true. And those powers are not gone, merely kept a secret.

Issue 1. Idealistic Prince Henry jumps into the burning wreckage of Berlin, where he faces a deadly foe and is reminded of the moment it all began. When he used his hidden powers to smash a Luftwaffe attack.

Issue 2. The young royals are sent to America to drum up support for the war against Hitler. As it turns out, the British are not the only royal family who still have powers.

 If you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll know that one of the titles I've been following is "Uber" - about Nazi supermen turning the tide of WW2.
 Well, here's something that covers similiar territory but from a different perspective.
  I'm not entirely sure about the artwork but the story is fascinating. As well as the obvious superheroics there's ongoing tension between young Henry and his older brother, the cynical degenerate Arthur. Among other things, Arthur is really not happy about Henry's relationship with his sister Rose, which may or may not be closer than it should be.
 Arthur is a bit of a twat, truth be told, but I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to grow to like him.
 The story opens with a bang - Henry and a doomed force of Lancaster bombers battling through the skies of Berlin  - and the punchup to debate ratio is thus far pleasing to me. Available evidence suggests that once the other Royal families get involved we're in for a wild ride.
(One minor, pedantic point of irritation. At one point the artist depicts a force of Spitfires with Vokes tropical filters. They're called Tropical filters because they were used in North Africa and the Far East. Not over Kent. Just saying.)
 So, if you liked "Uber" you might like this. If you liked seeing Captain America beat up Nazis you might also like this. If you like a bit of Alternative get the idea.

Princess Rose, Prince Henry, Prince Arthur and King Albert.
Well there was no way they were going to have the real Princess Elizabeth battling Nazis
Garth Ennis might write that one one day, mind you.
 Henry ****s up a Heinkel.
 The Americans introduce their own super-team. Royals being famous for er...sowing their seed..there was plenty of it got out into the general population.
 The Japanese send an envoy. Arthur is not terribly diplomatic. 

That's all folks. 


  1. My vote goes to Red Sonya...there's something ethereal happening there I reckon.
    Cheers, ic

    1. If crocodiles ever learn to levitate, we are all doomed.

  2. Oh, this is priceless stuff, I couldn’t stop laughing, beginning with “Four pissed-off female clowns were recruited by a local villain to do a little job for him. It went a bit pear-shaped!” I see the anti-heroine Chloe is dressed perfectly for beating the crap outta bad guys!! That is a fun series. Red Sonja looks like she’s about to become that croc’s dinner! And glad to see you don’t pass up comics with no women on the cover. Didn’t know that legend about the British Royals having superpowers, well, good for them. Love the captions on that cover about how the royals could easily destroy every Nazi plane that dares pass the British coastline, “but, of course, they choose not to get involved.” But of course LOL! Very entertaining post, Big D, and great visuals of the comics!

    1. Glad you liked it, Lil,

      All fun series, which is kind of the point. I don't do "Dark and Gritty"

  3. Comics are something I've always thought I should get into, but have never been able to. These still look brilliant though.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, my fellow Dale.

      And it's never too late...


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