Saturday, 31 October 2015

Cheapo DVD Review: Haywire (2011)

  On paydays I like to treat myself to certain things. One of them is a takeaway for my tea. The other is a fistful of DVDs from CEX.
 Personally I'd rather get 10 DVDs for a tenner than 1 DVD for a tenner.  It means I get 10 nights of entertainment rather than one, although whether I get an evening of good entertainment is another question entirely.

 This month I picked up 12 DVDs for £13 and I've decided that I will review each and every single one.

Hello Mr Rod. Meet Mr Own Back. You two will be seeing a lot of each other.

First up is...

 A backroads diner suddenly erupts into violence as the couple in the corner start trying to kill each other. One leaves the other in a groaning heap and makes her getaway by commandeering a car - and the driver too.
  As they drive away she starts telling her bewildered travelling companion a story. Her name is Mallory Kane, she's a Private Contractor that does certain things for the US Government and it all started with a job in Barcelona...

 If you look at the DVD cover you will recognise some quite big names. With the exception of Ewan Mcgregor and whatever accent he was trying to do, most aren't in for for that long. Meanwhile actual star Gina Carano appears to have been added to the cover as an afterthought.

  I will start by saying that Gina Carano does make a convincing action heroine and she's not bad in the bits requiring actual acting either. Maybe a bit "one-note" which makes it hard to warm up to her, but most action stars seem to suffer from that to some degree.

 I struggled to "warm up to" this film in general. Part of that is the structure - for the first chunk, the tale bounces between past and present as Mallory explains it all. For me, that made it a bit hard to keep track of events and I definitely struggled to follow why our heroine was doing certain things at certain times.
  Maybe the director was expecting his viewers to be smart enough to keep up, in which case he definitely gave me more credit than I deserve.

When it comes right down to it "Haywire" turned into the sort of movie where I wasn't exactly bored but wasn't exactly feeling it either.  There's nothing I can point my finger at and say "I didn't like that." but nothing where I can say " I liked this."

 The acting is the quality you'd expect from that cast , the fights and chases aren't bad, the story is making a decent stab at it. In the end the result result can only be described as "OK but..."

 How much did I pay for this: £1
Was it worth it? Maybe. It kept me occupied for long enough to eat my pizza but I can't exactly deliver a glowing recommendation. It's an OK thriller but there's plenty of films about that are  "OK"

 If you want to see Gina Carano in a thriller, get In The Blood instead. It doesn't have the name power but I enjoyed that film a lot more.


  1. Hi Big D,

    Not seen this one. But I wonder - how many DVDs do you own? You could probably open a DVD lending business, I bet.




    1. Truthfully, I don't own that many. I like to have a clearout on a regular basis.


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