Hello and welcome to a somewhat overdue edition of The Metal Project; my ongoing quest to create the most Metal playlist in human history.
After abruptly running out of alphabet because there's surprisingly few metal bands starting with X that also write songs called "Metal Avenger/Battle/Budgie/Whatever" I resorted to digging out some stuff I've been meaning to post for a while.
Usually I try and post the song but for this lot I could only find promo videos.
What the hell. Still counts.
As always I hope you find something you like. Enjoy.
Fireforce - Combat Metal (Belgium 2014)
Silent Eye - Heavy Metal (South Korea 2011)
Debauchery - Heavy Metal Monsternaut (Germany 2016)NSFW!
Jackdevil - Under The Metal Command (Brazil 2012)
And to finish: A bona-fide Canadian Metal Legend!
Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.